This poll has caused me a lot of head scratching and careful consideration. I immediately ruled out Fit Birds, I never go in, It's a boy or lesbian thing. I am neither. Word association - harmless. Current affairs, the only thread that has ever caused me to question my membership of this forum. Possibly when somebody mansplained sexual harassment to me. The Bomb shelter, full of quirky individuals who like Frazzles. I feel a certain affinity for the inhabitants. Wrestling, there is something very odd about grown adults watching this and appearing to take it seriously. However I have to confess to being fascinated by wrestler's lives, it's like the old fashioned circus families. Watched a series about them ( can't remember the name) that was really good, It covered Owen Hart's death, the tragic events surrounding Chris Benoit and what an absolute gobshiote Vince MacMahon is. So that leaves the transfer thread which is, to quote MacBeth, "Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing" That got my vote.