The fire rises
How come the 2 droids dont know who obi wan is in episode 4
C3PO has his memory wiped at the end of ep 3. R2D2 knows everything and is the true hero of the movie.
How come the 2 droids dont know who obi wan is in episode 4
Radiohead's video for Just, what the hell does the guy say laying down that makes everyone else lay down?????
What was Donnie Darko ab....forget it.
Do they get off the edge of the cliff in the original Italian Job?
Why didn't they re-shoot the bit where the storm trooper smashes his head on the door?!
The F14 has a twin tail whereas the F5 ( which is what it really is ) has a single that would fit between the F14'sIn Top Gun at the start...
Why don't the planes tails hit each other at this point and they all die in a massive ball of flames?
The F14 has a twin tail whereas the F5 ( which is what it really is ) has a single that would fit between the F14's
Deckard, android or human?
i knew it