Mr Moyes

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Player Valuation: £10m
Is this the time when David moyes true class as manager is starting to show,No panic buying,doing his homework on so called lesser class of players and bringing them on just like the youngsters he is bringing in.Attneding to his interveiws with truth and dignity,I as a lifetime supporter have i had faith and respect for this man as i did with Kendall,And as he said There,s more to come;););)
He still needs money.

I've said before in the will we get 4th thread that the way the league is at the moment and if we had a comfortable £30million to spend in the summer, we'd be challanging 3rd spot and maybe a better chance of chasing the league....and I can say that with a straight face.
He still needs money.

I've said before in the will we get 4th thread that the way the league is at the moment and if we had a comfortable £30million to spend in the summer, we'd be challanging 3rd spot and maybe a better chance of chasing the league....and I can say that with a straight face.
Agreed, Moyes has shown us since he started at Everton , what he can achieve on a shoestring budget. Now imagine him with some decent money to spend on some top quality players. Moyes without doubt, is our best shot at getting back to where we belong. Unfortunately that money isn't there, depressing really. For the record, I don't want to become a Chelsea or a City in terms of money, but something like Villa (money wise speaking) would be great.
I did a quick back-of-a-packet-of-***s calculation, and over the course of the 120 minutes, they had spend about £110m of players out, whereas we had about £40m.

Also, we had 8 english players involved (plus a Yank, and an Aussie), whereas they had two. A foreign legion will never be more than the sum of their parts. If you are a young english player at Liverpool, what are your chances? Rafael is destroying their youth policy. Long may it continue.
He still needs money.

I've said before in the will we get 4th thread that the way the league is at the moment and if we had a comfortable £30million to spend in the summer, we'd be challanging 3rd spot and maybe a better chance of chasing the league....and I can say that with a straight face.

I can agree with an equally straight face. We are not too far off now. If we had that sort of money in the summer, and Moyes could pick up his first choice options, we would definately be in the mix next year.

I did a quick back-of-a-packet-of-***s calculation, and over the course of the 120 minutes, they had spend about £110m of players out, whereas we had about £40m.

Also, we had 8 english players involved (plus a Yank, and an Aussie), whereas they had two. A foreign legion will never be more than the sum of their parts. If you are a young english player at Liverpool, what are your chances? Rafael is destroying their youth policy. Long may it continue.
if Platini gets his way theres going to be some clubs seriously knackered in a couple of seasons but teams like Everton may be in a stronger position
Moyes is still not getting the credit he deserves from Everton fans. To achieve what we've done on the pitch in the last couple of months without any recognised fit strikers to call upon other than the struggling Anichebe is nothing short of amazing. And the fact that Moyes didn't have a penny to spend in the transfer window puts it all into context. This wasn't Moyes's fault, so he just got on with the job, and while at some other clubs this may have caused unrest among the players, we've seen a tremendous team spirit and pulling together at Everton in the last few weeks for which Moyes should take some credit.
Was listening to Talksport last night, they were talking about Moyesy being the manager of the season and how well he has done on the budget he's got.

Then they said "why dosen't a big club like Newcastle or Man City have him as manager" WTF
let's not get carried away. I'm still amazed he stuck a winger on in extra time the other night. Small acorns and all that...
Personaly i think we are all complacent when it comes to Moyes, he is trually one of the great modern managers, not at a Champions Leuge Club.

My opinion as ive said many times, unless finance becomes available he will move sooner rather then later.

Then they said "why dosen't a big club like Newcastle or Man City have him as manager" WTF

(n)(n)(n)Think it's fairly safe to say, that before the PL started, most people over here in Holland hadn't even heard of Newcastle United before. But hey, that's modern football for you. They just don't realise that having big amounts of money to spend, doesn't make you a big club, it's trophies and history.
Moyes will never go to Man City or Newcastle. Unless something drastic happens i think he will at least see out his current contract. He knows he has the makings of a great team here, with a great spirit and work ethic. Every player wants to fight for the cause, and i put that all down to Moyes.

Compare that with Benitez, who has an Italian international fullback (Dossena) who is dreadful and a Spanish winger (Riera) who cant cross or beat a man. These players just dont care at the end of the day and i put that all down to Benitez.

I just hope Moyes gets enough money to move us onto the next level, because im sure he can
Just look at teams that have spent absolutely millions: Pompey, Spurs, Newcastle, Villa, Sunderland- all of those teams have spent 10's of millions and apart from Villa where are they in the league??! Its all down to one thing- the manager.

Take a bow Mr David Julian Moyes.
It gets on my goat the hole "big club" bollocks. A "big club" means nothing today but "Big money." Liverpool, Arsenal, Man Utd are the only true BIG clubs in the english league IMO - and that is down to success, longevity and world recognition - you can say their names next to Real Madrid, Barcelona, Milan etc - not money. Chelsea, City, Newcastle, Spurs small clubs with lots of money.

If Moyes wants to go to a "BIG" club they should say "like Arsenal or Man Utd" not fuucking Newcastle of Citeh. Anyone with a brain knows that or just say nothing at all
He still needs money.

I've said before in the will we get 4th thread that the way the league is at the moment and if we had a comfortable £30million to spend in the summer, we'd be challanging 3rd spot and maybe a better chance of chasing the league....and I can say that with a straight face.

agreed 101%, Moyes isn't the type of manager that will blow $30mil on one or two players, he would strengthen the squad and get us to a top 4 spot easy.

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