MSP Sports Capital

Alan Myers hasn't said anything about it being a 20% per year interest rate loan. Nor has ToffeeWeb

You're quoting something that doesn't exist

This is like the "Denise Barrett-Baxendale fixed the stadium cost" nonsense. People magnifying something that didn't exist. (Deliberately briefed by the club there)

It's magnified on social media with people putting their own spin on it.

The MSP loans were not 20% p.a. The most expensive loans we have had are with Rights and Media Funding
Yes mate,

They are the ones that need paying off pronto. Kenwrights mate isn’t it?
Straight facts Damo.

You cant handle that truth.

It isn't though is it Goat. I'm not going to turn this into a political thread but it's nonsense. Look back at the history of the Soviet Union and then try and make those sorts of statements

Grown ups in the room realise Everton Football Club is a business and not a charity

Bill Kenwright and Denise Barrett-Baxendale pointing to - charity work of a in independent charity - as if that is their achievements. When they're running a BUSINESS

That was almost relegated at least two years on the trot, as the business was being mismanaged due to their incompetence and their political manoeuvrings within the club (e.g. cancelling AGMs ... headlock gate 14 January 2023 etc etc etc etc etc etc)

Real world people. Please.

Let’s simplify things .
All capitalist entities are scum .
Capitalism is an evil system .
They should all be lined up against the wall and dispensed with .
But sadly the world we live in means we imagine one capitalist is better than the other.
I believe it’s called ‘ cognitive dissonance.
But on we go , clap clap 👏
And what will you do in your glorious socialist/communist/anarchist society?
Let’s simplify things .
All capitalist entities are scum .
Capitalism is an evil system .
They should all be lined up against the wall and dispensed with .
But sadly the world we live in means we imagine one capitalist is better than the other.
I believe it’s called ‘ cognitive dissonance.
But on we go , clap clap 👏
Can't wait until the Russkie tank(s) and hammer and sickle roll up outside BMD with Big Uzzy on top. Oops, but then again...!

'Capitalists have stolen my birthright and made me a pauper. I am here to reclaim what is rightfully mine'

Just saying, those in power are no better than each other - Capitalists, Socialists, Communists, Fascists. Those at the top all drink out of the same trough.
