Maybe im just gettin old or somethin but i just felt for the lad. Ok if ya goin to suck a dildo and send it on a mob then ya askin for trouble! ...but it was just cruel man cruel.
Maybe im just gettin old or somethin but i just felt for the lad. Ok if ya goin to suck a dildo and send it on a mob then ya askin for trouble! ...but it was just cruel man cruel.
I've done all sorts of stuff in bedrooms (and backseats of cars and in forests and on beaches)that I wouldn't want on youtube. ok, I wouldn't record it on a mobile phone for a 'bird' I've never met, but some people are desperate and don't deserve to be humiliated in public. not particularly humurous and don't think scousers have a monopoly on that kind of prank
So basically, it wasn't funny, it wasn't subtle and it humiliated someone with a mother and father, that might actually see the prank. In other words, a [Poor language removed] joke.