i have watched people around me live beyond their means for years, pile it on the mortgage as their house has risen in value, a couple who lived opposite me paid £60,000 ish for a 2 bed, then they had to get a 3 bed but their mortgage had gone up to +£90,000 and the new place was £185,000 with a mortgage of about £150,000 ish, both working but upto the hilt with debt.
we sat back watching their debt rise, us doing without while they got everything they desired, the thing is though they have all these things, we are still without. they say that if it gets to where they cant pay it then they will run it to the max and then just stop paying and go for bankruptcy, something that a lot are doing.
i know a debt collector who gets like £2 a week from someone who owes tens of thousands, so clearly the debt will never be repaid. we have used common sense and the only debt we have is our mortgage (and s.t. but only cos of the interest free deal, if it wouldve made it cost more then i wouldve paid it in one hit).
a mate owes about £30,000 through running up cards for coke and whores, all without his wifes knowledge, she turfed him out and he's filing for bankruptcy, told by citizens advice that it wont be a prob as he has no income(sacked), he forged his wifes sig. on a lot of the apps. for cards/loans, now he is a mate but why should he get away with it ? he's quite happy to sit on the dole and work on the side, pays feck all to his ex/kids and basically gets rent/council tax paid, throws bills in the bin unopened, so in effect is better off than i am. i only have anything to do with him now as i was concerned he might top himself, i dont condone his behaviour at all.
now some will say i cant be that bad off as go to all the games, the fact is i do without everything else to go the match, i haven't been in a pub this year as far as i can remember,never eat out apart from sayers/chippy yet the ones with the debts are in there all the time. all spare cash goes on kids activities and tbh i would stop going to the match before i would make them do without.
i wish house prices would drop to what we paid, i wont be out of pocket, it would cost me the same to move up, but the debt ridden crowd would then have to face up to their 'got to have' mentalities.