I'm a "USSF Regional" level ref (previously a grade 6 before the Great Reformation). I ref youth to adult amateur leagues, recreational to competitive. They're all fun - during the youngster's matches, it's really teaching the game - for the adults, it's managing the games and their expectations. The most fun games, frankly, are the high level older teens - they're finally figuring how to really play the game - and when I'm the Center, I get plenty of exercise.We all are, in a way lol
What level do you ref at, assuming you're in the US from your avatar?
Then there's the MBB leagues...."Men Behaving Badly" - when on occasion I can't get out of an over-40 men's league, I just get ready for the whining, lots and lots of whining! Including a former US Nat'l Team / World Cup player - the man loves to try to attack and dives like a dolphin....