5 people on the chopper, unless he was the pilot, it seems unlikely, hopefully not true.
5 people on the chopper, unless he was the pilot, it seems unlikely, hopefully not true.
Not an awful lot needs to go wrong with one for it to fall out the sky.
I refused to get in a Chinook back in the day.
But wouldn't tell anyone about it etc etc.....Not an awful lot needs to go wrong with one for it to fall out the sky.
I refused to get in a Chinook back in the day.
He liked a tweet in last hour from someone-so maybe not, who knows as crash was reported as been at 6pm uk timeRumours that Rick Fox was also on board? No idea if it's true.
I think Ja is going to be the better NBA player. And that doesn't mean Zion can't be a perennial all star. I just think the way the game has shifted his skills translate better to the game now. I'm a big fan of Morant.
It'll be interesting to see how those two teams develop since they have maybe the two best up and coming players in smaller markets for the NBA. I personally hope they both stay and NO and Memphis can build around them. The league is better if you can have a milwaukee, no, memphis contending. Then have the Lakers, Celtics going. And then maybe a portland or Houston in contention.
Maybe 99% safe!I’ve been on loads and never died so they’re 100% safe.
So that tweet saying that his kids weren't in the crash has just been deleted...
I'm not arsed.Toast will be fuming