Your last bit could be the exact reason they went for him. Maybe they don't see him as the grenade.I don't need them to try to know that this will all end in tears.
It's not like a Nuno thing where he could fail by just his results. Benitez gets less leeway just because of who he is. It's not fair but its true.
Honestly if I ran a football club (and I will do one day...) this would be the last appointment i would make. It's lashing a hand grenade into an already unstable pile of cemtex.
This can only go 2 ways. Brilliantly or not and if it's not brilliant he'll be gone. No time like others to turn it around but he must be confident he can do it.
This is if any of this is true btw. I don't think the club has let anything slip yet so there's still hope.