Yeah sound.potter is crap. That better?
Downside is our ressies play at Haig Ave!!!Graham f*****g Potter - I feel like giving up on Everton completely. Not easy to suddenly switch off a lifetime worths of allegiance as it's part of me now, but they're making me feel like making a huge attempt to do so.
Look back in our history to when we appointed the then Norwich boss Mike Walker. Norwich had become a decent footballing outfit but were still a small time club who had overachieved. Mike became possibly the worst manager we ever had before the axe came down and Joe Royle came in (I think).
Graham Potter has all the credentials to be this century's Mike Walker.
Start going to Haigh Avenue again and watch Southport - be in the same league in a decade anyway
Excellent !! 20/20!!!Don't quote me but this was overheard when M. Galtier was talking about us..
"J'ai entendu dire que certains des joueurs d'Everton bougeaient comme des escargots et des crabes. Les escargots et les crabes sont OK dans l'assiette mais pas sur le terrain de football. Je pense que je devrais lancer quelques-uns d'entre eux assez rapidement, puis les remplacer par de vrais footballeurs qui se rendent compte qu'Everton est une équipe dont les supporters ne toléreront pas un comportement aussi choquant."
Ah yeah but you would all want him if his name was... actually no, I can't even think of a Latin sounding name for Potter.
Has anyone seen the rumours on Twitter that last night Potter stayed in the Titanic?
I'd bo OK with that if it was the 15th April 1912Has anyone seen the rumours on Twitter that last night Potter stayed in the Titanic?
Here's the thing about these comments.
It was Myers asking the question of Galtier's suitability to Campos. When was the last time Myers did some actual journalism without the line coming directly from the club?
My guess is Kenwright called up Myers, asked him to put something together to try and get things moving for (an)other candidate and basically force their hand by thinking Galtier might see us as an option.