“THOSE ARE FAKE HANDS”Is Dougal still marking it ?
“THOSE ARE FAKE HANDS”Is Dougal still marking it ?
Crossed my mind that, hopefully not!!Still time for Moshiri to do a madness.
Is making fun of Dave's tantrums reserved exclusively Goat?Mate, get your own lines, you sound like a @Goat wannabe...
Sorry mate, needed a decoy...?????
And then there's this as well, if there's any truth to it.There will definitely be some skeletons in the closet given who we have been lending money off and Moshiri's links to Usmanov.
I'm sure Moshiri has got himself wrapped up in all sorts of trouble with the 777 deal. No idea in what way but the fact he was so desperate to sell to them and persevered for so long suggests to me that he has done. R&M are equally as dodgy as 777 and will be losing their biggest cash cow.
Fingers crossed it can all be unpicked.
And then there's this as well, if there's any truth to it.
What now Dave?'President low cost.'
That's what the Roma fans now call him since he's abandoned major spending.What now Dave?
You resorting to riddles now?
That's what the Roma fans now call him since he's abandoned major spending.
So, what you're saying is they have cut spending but remained 6th in the league?That's what the Roma fans now call him since he's abandoned major spending.
Wasnt your major issue with Moshiri that he "spent like a drunken sailor"?????That's what the Roma fans now call him since he's abandoned major spending.
I think this fella says it best.You been spending a lot of time on the Roma boards? Brushed up on your Italian?
I always thought it was Gordon is a moronI think this fella says it best.
e aspettative sono giustamente basse, però anche io prima di sentenziare aspetterei almeno che il mercato inizi.
Io non mi aspetto nulla da questa sessione, vorrei solo capire che direzione si intende prendere( se quella delle passate stagioni, magari col nome ad effetto, ma con delle voragini in rosa), oppure meno nomi altisonanti ma più giocatori funzionali, più investimenti sul cartellino dei giocatori (piuttosto che sugli ingaggi), insomma voglio capire la direzione in cui si vogliono muovere con Ghisolfi, io accetterei un "passo indietro" ma con margini di crescita più ampi e soprattutto costanti.
Tranquillo è un progetto triennale, così tra 3 anni mancheranno tutti quelli buoni che abbiamo ora ma rimarranno quelli presi in 3 anni, e il progetto ripartirà.
Mentre dà la la colpa all'ottantesimo allenatore :asd:
Thomas Daniel Friedkin - page 208
CITAZIONE (Joyta @ 21/6/2024, 13:33) In 4 stagioni che sono qua infatti abbiamo fatto almeno le semifinali di tutte le competizioni europee inasroma.forumcommunity.net
(I have no idea what that says, I couldnt be bothered translating it, I think he called Dave a moron)
"It's an extra special forfeit Farhad because you're such a big cheating b******"“THOSE ARE FAKE HANDS”