"Even if it must be burglary"We want the finest players available to man. We want them here and we want them now.
"Even if it must be burglary"We want the finest players available to man. We want them here and we want them now.
I'll bet he "don't bloody believe it" that we've actually got new owners who might actually take the club forwards.
If only! Consigned to history yes, but unfortunately we can't just stick it in the bin and forget it ever happened, the effects are far too real!Fellow Blues...Don't let anyone bring you down today!
Enjoy the fact the Moshiri and more importantly the Kenwright era has been consigned to the dust bin.
Up the toffees!
"That carpet=bagger" you mean. Glad they are, isn't "sweating it" the whole point of the stadium, to increase our revenue? Would you prefer tehy left it empty half the year and let the fans in for free?Moshiri built a stadium....this lot are here to sweat it.
Someone's changed their tune.I have to give credit to Moshiri for getting that stadium done.
Didn't you want us to be taken over by a petrostate?On the board of fracking companies.
For a more honest communication, the really should have shown that comedy goal against, was it Watford, a few years back that somebody set to the Benny Hill Show theme music...Just look at them years of incredible performances.
To be fair trying to find moments we scored a dazzling goal this season must of have been painstaking work , the editor was probably so exasperated they just called it quits and went with the highlights from this seasonJust look at them years of incredible peperformances.
Newcastle are rivals of Everton in much the same way Christine Bleakley is rivals with Oprah...And what's with this "intense rivalry" they talk of?