What does that prove other than they've rolled out a plan of action at their flagship club? Their commercial potential is greater than ours; they are an established top Italian team ready to crash the elite and win more trophies while we've been in the doldrums for decades.
I'd say we're right to be concerned that they dont see Everton as a refurbishment project - to tart up our status, get the stadium on course as a money spinner (with the social ramifications that may have in terms of changing the nature of Everton match-going fans as it has at LFC, for example )and sell on down the line...all the while putting their finances and energies into Roma.
We just font know. But it might settle suspicions down if they actually started IDENTIFYING with Everton a bit. The longer they dont the more it hands people (yes like me) space to doubt their motives for being here.