Davek's right when he writes that PAllotta - not PEllotta

- built a great team (Pjanic, Strootman, Nainggolan, Marquinhos, Benatia, Rudiger, Salah, Alisson, Dzeko) still not matched by our current team. It was a team that had something to say at the highest level of European football. This is undeniable.
Keeping the trophy aside - and last year we could have won the Europa League too, we lost on penalties - what gives fans better vibes is the fact that Friedkin has stabilised finances. You feel like your existence isn't a question mark anymore. Additionally, everything seems to be just the start of something far greater. How they got people like Mourinho, Dybala and Lukaku on board without Champions League, how they're buying Everton

...makes you think at what they might do in the future.
You feel the financial power of these people. With Pallotta, who's a hedge fund manager and a smart one, you had the feeling those exploits where doomed to give way to problems because they were based on countless market operations and not backed financially by the owner. It was a sort of self-financing moneyball, it was like buying and selling futures in Wall Street. Actually, the day Pallotta brought in Monchi, thinking he could replace Walter Sabatini, a brilliant DoF - unfortunately he's scarcely knwon outside Italy, but he has a unique talent in finding young players - that era was over. Monchi made many wrong decisions, and that model, which had to self-sustain itself like in a nuclear chain reaction, crumbled. The balance was so fragile that in 2 years we were back at step 0. With Friedkin you feel the potential is there and that sooner or later something very good will happen.