New Everton Stadium

More flannel from the flim flam man.

“We had a board meeting (earlier this month) and that was about the board rubber-stamping the next stage in the journey. The next stage is to do consultation with fans and get that feedback while at the same time looking to get the Council funding whilst at the same time looking to secure the additional top-up funding that we need".

Wow, they've really cracked on with this in a year haven't they? Look at all that progress. All's that's needed now is more fan consultations (no doubt with a few work shops thrown in), and the cash.

Piece of piss.

Thanks for your excellent work Mr Elstone, and keep up this breathtaking pace you've set. :coffee:

Can't help but agree with you. The fact that this thread is almost 4 years old is quite telling.
Shocking mate. What have they done? It's rather baffling. It's been about two years since it was first announced, and now, going into Spring 2018, we're (again - haha) at the fan consultation stage and the board is now working on a way to find the money they need. You couldn't make it up!

Can't help but agree with you. The fact that this thread is almost 4 years old is quite telling.

They get a very easy ride. Elstone is saying exactly what he said today last March/April.

This is just noise that's meant to fill the vacuum of another empty week of football due to our onfield failures.
I doubt it will be a bowl. Meis's early rhetoric suggested it would not be a bowl. I'm keeping it an open mind that we will have an influence and that this is not just a PR exercise by the club.

It's an enclosed bowl, but with squared stands that run parralel to the pitch, not a bowl in the sense of Wembley/Emirates/Etihad. Imagine filling in the corners of Goodison with diagonals. Like an elongated hexagon.

I expect it will have a distinctive home end.

It's an enclosed bowl, but with squared stands that run parralel to the pitch, not a bowl in the sense of Wembley/Emirates/Etihad. Imagine filling in the corners of Goodison with diagonals. Like an elongated hexagon.

I expect it will have a distinctive home end.
The Kenwright Kop, Sponsored By Williams Kenwright Productions.

We'll also change from royal blue to a technicolour pattern kit.
We can dream.
Bill had a dream, and in that dream he got major investment and got us to the Champions League while managing to somehow remain chairman and influential in all things Everton.

In reality, from the fans it'll be "Please Sir, can we have some more (goals)"

Hi mate I have copied them for you

  • Do you like Everton?
  • What is your favourite cheese?
  • Have you ever scored at Old Trafford?
  • What are your views on neg rep?
  • Who was your favourite Spice Girl?
  • Do you like bowl-shaped stadiums?
  • What colour are the walls in the Lisbon toilets?
I answered no to all of them.
I could give you a dozen but here’s 3
Their ego and the boost it will get from having a top PL club at a brand new iconic stadium
The money they and Corestate will make from the bigger dock developement
Rich men don’t get angry , they get even and the chance to overtake Kronke and Arsenal is a chance to get even

Rich men get richer!
It's at the stage now where they would be better off restricting any communication to something worthy of an announcement.

It's not long ago that the proposed cost was 300 million STG with a council guaranteed loan.

Now its 500 million STG of which the club still has to convince private investors to contribute approx GBP 220 miilion, if I'm correct, and that figure will grow.

Must be causing huge headaches in the boardroom, on top of the teams form.

Quite obviously if they pull this off and we are playing at BMD in time for 2022-2023 this will be the greatest achievement in the clubs history, football or otherwise.

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