For me, this is a non-starter at all and the club have mentioned the same, albeit they have vested interests. There simply isn't the space for a major development.
I know there's been fans who've done drawings etc. which suggest it is feasible, but knowing the area and the issues with residents over Analfield, it's fanciful.
There's a school building less than 16 metres away from the Bullens with houses even closer on Muriel Street and Diana Street. The footprint simply isn't there.
How long would reduced capacity be? What would the cost be? Would they need to renovate three of the four stands? Unfortunately, it's a move or nothing for me.
Our new stadium won't be a shoebox, or I hope it's not, but let's be honest we're paying a premium for location and the remedial works needed to facilitate it.
If like you suggest the numbers do not stack up, then I think we'd all need to take a long, hard look at the options and perhaps, regrettably, go for something less.
Goodison doesn't bring in the revenue or status that the club either wants or needs and will only continue to decline with sub-standard views and facilities.
Nobody wants to be stuck out in the sticks in some field or next to a retail park (certainly not me), however this may be the last chance saloon for the club.