I historically worked for CBRE who are heavily involved in the stadium and tried to get some information on the stadium / plans from former colleagues and I can confirm the info is under lock and key. It looks as though the information barrier has been brilliant executed. I hope the plans aren't leaked prior to the presentations!
My job is to paint the double yellow lines along the main road by the new stadium and I've seen a cardboard cutout of the stadium (Moshiri had built it in his CDT A level class) and Bill every Tuesday would come over and give me all the details.
I guess it just goes to show it depends on what line of work your in regarding getting all the details. I'd post all the details but cba as its coming out Thursday night but keep an eye out for how good my yellow lines are situated in certain parts outside the ground, there's a good chance that I'll be remembered for "maccavennie markings" like Leitch was with his cross cross design.