I'm going with 54,000. Up to 60,000 when safe standing comes in..What do we reckon on the capacity then? Still 52k, pushed up to 55k or something different?
I'm going with 54,000. Up to 60,000 when safe standing comes in..What do we reckon on the capacity then? Still 52k, pushed up to 55k or something different?
What do we reckon on the capacity then? Still 52k, pushed up to 55k or something different?
Have these been seen before?
Sorry to be a dope, mate. Is this tonight's images?
What do we reckon on the capacity then? Still 52k, pushed up to 55k or something different?
If you outside of the stadium looks great on each of the 4 sides then it would suggest that the only way to expand would be from adding in safe standing.
Why spend loads on the outside if they were going to add an extra tier somewhere?