They would remark something along the lines of: "Pineapple on a pizza? The dirty, evil bastards." I agree with those sentiments... hope that helps..
Well, damn
They would remark something along the lines of: "Pineapple on a pizza? The dirty, evil bastards." I agree with those sentiments... hope that helps..
Team anti-POP swoops again!Well, damn
Well I've made bigger mistakes than that, no doubt. Isn't one of the mods pro-PoP?
/Soz Belg.
Also, welcome Tharps.
Not me. Cant speak for the other overlords though. Will ask at the next meeting, then take any action required.
Not me. Cant speak for the other overlords though. Will ask at the next meeting, then take any action required.
I believe Belg has said all mods are firmly in the anti-PoP brigade.
I'm out. All prior comments redacted.
You promised to keep mod central pop free, didn't you? If you can keep that promise and cook a decent meal every now and then, I'm sure us mods can look mildly at your abusing and ruining of perfectly good pizza's.Never had a chance at rep mod, did I?
*sobs quietly
Sorry about the derailing of your welcome thread, Tharps. Bit of a rite of passage of sorts on GOT.
Hahaha...taking a page from chico.
Luckily I quoted one damning statement before your editing.
Never had a chance at rep mod, did I?
*sobs quietly
Sorry about the derailing of your welcome thread, Tharps. Bit of a rite of passage of sorts on GOT.
You promised to keep mod central pop free, didn't you? If you can keep that promise and cook a decent meal every now and then, I'm sure us mods can look mildly at your abusing and ruining of perfectly good pizza's.
Not a problem at all.Sorry about the derailing of your welcome thread, Tharps. Bit of a rite of passage of sorts on GOT.