New Server & Supporting GrandOldTeam

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Staff member

The 2015/16 season proved to be our busiest ever season since establishing in February 2007. It was our ninth consecutive year of growth so thank you for visiting, and contributing to GrandOldTeam's success.

We've always endeavored to provide the very best place on the web for fans worldwide to congregate to discuss Everton FC and as a big part of that effort, we're continually investing in servers which will make the website quicker, and considerably more stable.

Ensuring GrandOldTeam is sustainable is my biggest priority, so most of my effort is on balancing costs. I don't expect GOT to be self sustaining, but I need to ensure the gap doesn't get too great where it's too big a strain for me to fund. So, we need your continued/increased help.

How can you help support GrandOldTeam?

  • Disable AdBlock. Our sponsors have trackers on their adverts to see how many times their adverts are being loaded, which they carefully evaluate prior considering any sponsorship renewal. It's important they see an accurate representation. Our adverts are not intrusive, and in fact, having Adblock enabled is more intrusive as you see a great red box asking you to disable adblock. Please do so.
  • & Visit our advert partners. If you see a partner message on GOT that you like, please visit. They'll see the referral traffic and think we're sound.
    We also get a couple of pence every time
  • Buy with Amazon using our link. It makes no difference to the cost of what you buy but it does mean that about 5% of what you spend on Amazon comes back to us to help with the running costs of the site.
  • Register for a PaddyPower account via this link - (Gamble responsibly). You'll get a free £20 bet when you stake £10 and in return for promoting Paddy Power, we earn 20% on any profit Paddy Power make through their partnership with GrandOldTeam. So, say you stake £10 and lose, you can find some comfort knowing that £2 of that will go to supporting your lovable rogues at GrandOldTeam.
  • Upgrade your forum account. We have a 'Forum Supporter' account upgrade which is essentially, a donation system. You can pay £20 for a GrandOldTeam mug and a few more unspectacular perks.
  • Buy a GrandOldTeam mug. They're boss and make tea taste 21% better.
  • If you use Stubhub to buy a ticket (please only buy at face value or less, let's not encourage touts!) GrandOldTeam would benefit in a very small way by you using this link.
  • Booking hotel stays through with our link.
  • Register for a free GrandOldTeam forum account and use it when browsing GOT. Stop lurking as a 'Guest'. Login ;)

if you use any of the following websites, please click through via our link first -It makes no difference to the cost of what you buy but a small % of what you spend comes back to us to help with the running costs of the site.

We're also always receptive to sponsorship opportunities with local businesses. If you have/know a business that could help work with GrandOldTeam, please give us a shout.

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You get a free mug when you upgrade mate, but that's £20 in one throw.

I'm sure if you've thrown in a similar amount then @GrandOldTeam will see you right but, if you want a mug, then rather than making a donation of a fiver or so, it's probably easier to just buy a mug for £6 from

All the money goes in the same pot so everyone's happy.
Might be worth waiting to November though. We're having a special offer then whereby you get two mugs for £12. All you have to do to qualify for this hefty discount is to change the 1 to a 2 and click "Add To Cart". That's a GOT cart rather than a Kipper cart btw.

Where's my mug? ffs
Upvote 0

If anyone on GOT has a grand old fatwa on them. Its me.
Lad, I wouldn't worry about GOT issuing a fatwah on you lol

Upvote 0

August 2014 proved to be our busiest ever month since establishing in February 2007. The third successive record breaking month so thank you for visiting, and contributing to GrandOldTeam's success.

We've grown at a pretty rapid rate over the past 18 months. As as indication, click here for our page views from 31st July 2013 until 1st August 2014.

Now, we've always endeavored to provide the very best place on the web for fans worldwide to congregate to discuss Everton FC and as a big part of that effort, we're investing in a new vastly improved dedicated server which will make the website quicker, and considerably more stable. More detail on this will appear shortly in the Announcement & Support forum.

Ensuring GrandOldTeam is sustainable is my biggest priority, so most of my effort is on balancing costs and the new server investment comes with a sizable monthly cost but the outlay is a necessity. I don't expect GOT to be self sustaining, but I need to ensure the gap doesn't get too great where it's too big a strain for me to fund. So, we need your continued/increased help.

How can you help sustain GrandOldTeam?

  • Disable AdBlock. Our sponsors have trackers on their adverts to see how many times their adverts are being loaded, which they carefully evaluate prior considering any sponsorship renewal. It's important they see an accurate representation. Our adverts are not intrusive, and in fact, having Adblock enabled is more intrusive as you see a great red box asking you to disable adblock. Please do so.
  • & Visit our advert partners. If you see a partner message on GOT that you like, please visit. They'll see the referral traffic and think we're sound.
    We also get a couple of pence every time
  • Register for a PaddyPower account via this link - (Gamble responsibly). You'll get a free £20 bet when you stake £10 and in return for promoting Paddy Power, we earn 20% on any profit Paddy Power make through their partnership with GrandOldTeam. So, say you stake £10 and lose, you can find some comfort knowing that £2 of that will go to supporting your lovable rogues at GrandOldTeam.
  • Upgrade your forum account. We have a 'Forum Supporter' account upgrade which is essentially, a donation system. You can pay £20 for a GrandOldTeam mug and a few more unspectacular perks.
  • Buy a GrandOldTeam mug. They're boss and make tea taste 21% better.
  • Buy from Campo Retro via this link. The more they sell from GrandOldTeam, the greater likeilihood they'll continue to sponsor us.
  • Register for a free GrandOldTeam forum account and use it when browsing GOT. Stop lurking as a 'Guest'. Login ;)
We're also always receptive to sponsorship opportunities with local businesses. If you have/know a business that could help work with GrandOldTeam, please give us a shout.

I have already got pp app on I phone is there a way I can register this to got
Upvote 0
....would there be a reason why my I-Pad won't connect with GOT? I get a message that it can't connect with the server yet I can get other sites, it wont even connect via Google. I can connect via laptop.
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....would there be a reason why my I-Pad won't connect with GOT? I get a message that it can't connect with the server yet I can get other sites, it wont even connect via Google. I can connect via laptop.

Can you screengrab this please mate?
Upvote 0

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