Nah, go have a look at RTG. Take football away and we’re all the same, my best mates support Sunderland. Forums tend to track the worst and loads of WUMs. Have a good read on RTG, there’s some amazing stuff on there. Sunderland, despite having Nissan voted for Brexit; that’s a whole swath of folk voting out. A local was yesterday found guilty of racial abuse after shouting at a man with a broad Scottish accent thinking he was East European and there are regular reports of questionable behaviour with their fans.
The media tend to go looking for our numpties, the Mackems get a bit of a free ride despite their shenanigans. We have a huge surfer flag from a good few years ago that has images of local landmarks. One is of The Spanish City at Whitley Bay, have a read of some of the remarks claiming it was a Mosque in tribute to KSA......
BTW, if Emery’s heart wasn’t in it then I’m glad he’s turned it down. If it is Howe, he’s got a huge job on his hands but also a great opportunity.