Exceptional, Peter Beardsley, no less, compared him to Gascoigne.how good was he? Like was he the next best English player or was he like another tony grant, decent nothing special? I never seen him
Exceptional, Peter Beardsley, no less, compared him to Gascoigne.how good was he? Like was he the next best English player or was he like another tony grant, decent nothing special? I never seen him
Didn't know you were a jockey too @Eggs amongst your numerous other talents…just saw Gareth Barry in the parade ring at Cheltenham, standing behind SAF. Didn’t know he liked his horse racing. Fine footballer.
You got a link ?Don’t know if mentioned, nice interview with Fellaini on YouTube.
Just enter his name on YouTubeYou got a link ?
Didn't know you were a jockey too @Eggs amongst your numerous other talentslol
Don’t know if mentioned, nice interview with Fellaini on YouTube.
Young Billy just lived for the next hour, not even the day, had a good talent which would have made him a millionaire, but he had a happy go lucky nature and just went with the flow, couldn’t’t compose his emotions.Had so muck talent did Kenny
I remember a derby at Goodson and him and Jamie Redknapp were going at it. It was a battle of the youngsters. Kenny had the better of him though. What a shame what happened to the lad.
That should have read Mike Milligan not Millington!! Sorry about that.Young Billy just lived for the next hour, not even the day, had a good talent which would have made him a millionaire, but he had a happy go lucky nature and just went with the flow, couldn’t’t compose his emotions.
Ian Snodin talks about him in his book: The youth team had played at Bellefield training ground one Saturday morning and Mike Walker was there, he went through the youth team that day saying “ You are all going to the first team game this afternoon I want you to watch the players in your position“ he detailed every player who to watch, he got to Billy Kenny and said “ I want you to watch Mike Millington” Billy said “ You want me to watch Mike Millington, you should have brought him here this morning to watch me, he might have learned a few things”
Billy wasted his career, no doubt about it, one thing he never lacked was confidence!!
Young Billy just lived for the next hour, not even the day, had a good talent which would have made him a millionaire, but he had a happy go lucky nature and just went with the flow, couldn’t’t compose his emotions.
Ian Snodin talks about him in his book: The youth team had played at Bellefield training ground one Saturday morning and Mike Walker was there, he went through the youth team that day saying “ You are all going to the first team game this afternoon I want you to watch the players in your position“ he detailed every player who to watch, he got to Billy Kenny and said “ I want you to watch Mike Millington” Billy said “ You want me to watch Mike Millington, you should have brought him here this morning to watch me, he might have learned a few things”
Billy wasted his career, no doubt about it, one thing he never lacked was confidence!!
Was that Marys lad?That should have read Mike Milligan not Millington!! Sorry about that.
I didn’t know Mike’s mam’s name to be honest!!Was that Marys lad?