Next manager after Frank Lampard?

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Or we have had so many managers who bought players that can’t work with each other hence a totally crap and unbalanced squad.

We’re a football club not McDonalds we can’t keep having huge manager turnovers
Well Chelsea (to name 1 club) make frequent managerial changes and they're not doing too bad are they?
I’m sure the club will entice a top candidate given how they always get time to establish themselves at the club.

Yeah would be boss hiring a manager who has his team in the bottom half of The Championship.

And yes I know they had a points reduction, but they are still in the bottom half even without.

Hes done nothing impressive there.
He's got a team full of kids, and has them fighting to the end. More than our lot can be bothered doing.
Are we still paying gravy chops?

You‘d think he’d do the decent thing & offer to come back on the pay he’s already on.

Nah, he’d hold us to ransom for another 2 year deal…

After yet another spanking, its becoming clear Frank isn't going to be our manager next season. So who do you want his replacement? Graham Potter was my first choice but now I'm not so sure after Brighton's latest run. I think someone like Nuno would be decent. Yeah I'm sure we would all like Zidane or Luis Enrique to take over but let's be honest; manager's of that calibre won't touch the basket case called Everton.
Very, VERY interesting join date you’ve got there.

Anything to tell us?
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he'll get some fight back in the club.

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