Any tidbits on the search for the DoF mate?
No he doesn't need to be here for the announcement. Press conference next week when he returns.
Plus there's a rumour he's done stuff like EvertonTV bits already to keep the masses fed until he comes back.
Apparently going all out for Monchi but am not aware exactly where we are on it.
if true imagine how many Saints heads are gonna fall off knowing that he made them while still technically their manager.
Is that true? It's pretty clear he's not turning up at the stadium if he's on holiday so there's no need for them to be there, although Sky have been standing outside Goodison for the past 4 days so it doesn't surprise me.Granada Reports are live from Goodison tonight on the "impending" arrival of Koemann.
Cheers mate, i have the sneaking suspicion the club wants to do a grand stand unveiling of both at the same presser (hence Koeman swanning off on hols again till it's sorted), think we will be tided over with an announcement and brief vid before then of him