I have covered the utter nonsense of this in the thread marked Southampton's statistical analysis. it basically points out how the claims made in that sense are not only wrong, but actually don't make any logical sense when you factor them together one by one. I would urge you, and others to view it.
It's clear throughout this process Southampton's board (and therefore the local media and therein elements of the fanbase) have tried to use this episode as an attempt to score cheap shot points against Everton. We have by in large avoided falling down to such a level. I know there has been the odd small club jibe, which I don't agree with. You have a fantastic squad and for my money are a shining example of how to run a football club. Excellent youth facilities with an emphasis of getting them into the first team, good new stadium and most importantly a strong ethos that means people slot in when others leave (whether they be players or managers).
However as indicated every step along the way your board have behaved in a small time manner. Form initially telling people he wouldn't go to Everton, denying he had spoken to Everton, saying it would only be a sideways step, insisting he will sign a contract, insisting he had committed his future to Everton and had rejected Everton. All of the above have been proven to be completely untrue and it is obvious were an attempt to make themselves look more impressive at Everton's expense.
The latest attempts to try and make out that there's some hitch and it's part of a plan to get more money out of Southampton should be treated with the contempt the Southampton board deserve. It is the last, pathetic, desperate attempts of someone who has lost the argument to gain some credibility. I think they would be far better served offering up an apology, conducting themselves more professionally next time a manager wants to leave, not trying to score points when they are out of their league against a club and focussing on getting Southampton a new proficient manager (which in fairness is something they are very skilled at).