Obama or McCain?

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McCain, they make fantastic chips. Seriously though and no offence meant, i am not particularly bothered to be honest. Either cannot be any worse than Gordon Brown.
Obama, the US needs a completely fresh approach, not only internally, but in the eyes of the world. McCain's about as old-school as they come, can't help but believe he's still clinging to decadent ideas about the State's position in the global scheme of things.

Time for Team America to stop policing the globe and take themselves a little less seriously before they [Poor language removed] the Chinese & Russians.
McCain all the way as Obama does not do Oven chips.

Ah, right, president, Obama then
Obama is wank.

McCain wasn't my first choice, but he is by far the better candidate of the two.

no hash browns from obama either.
really couldnt give a stuff tbh, although i should as we are practically the 51st state, oh no wait thats iraq, oh no its afghanistan, or is it poland now. ah feck it, are there no kennedy's this time or any gates to use on the front of the papers.
which is the less dictatorial ?.....i'll go for him.
will any of them freeze the assets of hicks or gillette ?....that one.
anyone but bush! bloke down the road could did it better than him!

no offence ment to anyone apart from bush and yes that is snr and jnr!
At the risk of the wrath of the left:

If I only had 143 days of experience, would you hire me to fix your car?

Would you hire me to run your company?

If I only had 143 days experience, would you hire me to run the Country?

Something America might want to think about.

Just how much Senate experience does Barrack Obama have in terms of
actual work days? Not much.

From the time Barrack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator, to
the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee,
he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the
Senate was actually in session and working (??).

After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be
Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of
Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan.

143 days -- I keep leftovers in my refrigerator longer than that.

This isn't taking into account the days he has missed.

In contrast, John McCain's 26 years in Congress, 22 years of military
service including 1,966 days in captivity as a POW in Hanoi now seem
more impressive than ever. At 71, John McCain may just be hitting his

Think about it! A great many people in this Country have obviously gone
stark raving mad!
At the risk of the wrath of the left:

If I only had 143 days of experience, would you hire me to fix your car?

Would you hire me to run your company?

If I only had 143 days experience, would you hire me to run the Country?

Something America might want to think about.

Just how much Senate experience does Barrack Obama have in terms of

work days? Not much.

From the time Barrack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator, to

time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee,

logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the

Senate was actually in session and working (??).

After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be

Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of

Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan.

143 days -- I keep leftovers in my refrigerator longer than that.

This isn't taking into account the days he has missed.

In contrast, John McCain's 26 years in Congress, 22 years of military

service including 1,966 days in captivity as a POW in Hanoi now seem

impressive than ever. At 71, John McCain may just be hitting his

Think about it! A great many people in this Country have obviously gone

stark raving mad!

thats the bit i really object too about whichever one gets picked, they really do believe that and i really object.
they are not my leader and i do not wish that they impose their beliefs on me,my children, my country or anyone elses for that matter.
it is fine by me that they have their views and beliefs and it should be fine that that i have mine and that they may differ from theirs.
now thats a free world.

Before you guys go branding McCain 'Bush MkII' try doing a little reading on the subject :dodgy:

precisely. further reading will lead you to the educated opinion he is in fact 'Bush MkIII'.

lets vote for another evil old corporate capitalist. another gas guzzling war mongering hawk.

[Poor language removed], the right shouldn't worry. what chance such a racist polarised society voting in a black man when there's an evil white man on the ballot slip, promising not to upset the apple cart and keep taxes low?

gotta admire the democrats optimism but obama has more chance of being the first person to circumnavigate alpha centurai on a swiss cheese skateboard than being president of the US.
Neither particularly thrill me to be honest. There are two big fears for me at the moment regarding America.

1) Religious fundamentalism. The sheer number of people that believe and swallow the crap in the bible, and worse try and impose those beliefs onto others terrifies me. America was founded as a largely libertarian nation that was happy for others to live how they pleased providing it didn't harm the attempts of others to do likewise. Bush made a big swing to the religious right and both McCain and Obama have played up to the religious vote thus far.

2) Move away from free market economics. Obama in particular has played the anti-free trade card far too much for my liking and there seems a big risk of America becoming inward looking and protectionist as the economy turns. Bad news for them and bad news for the world if that happens.

So neither really pleases me but if I were to pick the lesser of two evils it would be McCain, for two reasons. Firstly I don't like the way Obama panders to groups in order to get votes from them. I strongly suspect his NAFTA rants in the primaries were designed to get votes from blue collar workers, but the fact that someone would do that suggests a distinct lack of conviction and scruples.

Secondly the whole Obamamania thing looks and sounds like a cult of personality right now. Sure the guy has charisma but this isn't the X Factor, this is an election to decide arguably the most powerful position in the world. I know politics is increasingly sound-bite driven and personalities are never more important but even so I want our governments elected on the basis of their policies rather than whether they're likeable or not (actually I want governments to do as little as possible but that's another debate).
I think 71 is to old for such a high pressure job as like with Prime ministers here the way they age after getting the top job is scary and one bet judgement error could be catastrophic to the free world.

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