Ashtonian Banned on request January 11, 2016 #1 bit of a random one. Just went to like a post on here and rather than just ticking over, it took me to 'are you sure you want to like this post?' what's that about?!
bit of a random one. Just went to like a post on here and rather than just ticking over, it took me to 'are you sure you want to like this post?' what's that about?!
Kurt. Player Valuation: £100m Forum Supporter January 12, 2016 #16 Ashtonian said: I was liking a intelligent post haha Click to expand... *an intelligent post. Thicko. Upvote 0
Ashtonian said: I was liking a intelligent post haha Click to expand... *an intelligent post. Thicko.
Ashtonian Banned on request January 12, 2016 #17 Kurt said: *an intelligent post. Thicko. Click to expand... lol was typing something different and didn't correct myself. Original sentence was a A rather than a AN Upvote 0
Kurt said: *an intelligent post. Thicko. Click to expand... lol was typing something different and didn't correct myself. Original sentence was a A rather than a AN
Yorkie Player Valuation: £35m January 12, 2016 #18 Can confirm this has happened to me and I assumed it was because the post had already been flagged for something. (great story, compelling and rich etc etc) Upvote 0
Can confirm this has happened to me and I assumed it was because the post had already been flagged for something. (great story, compelling and rich etc etc)
GrandOldTeam Moderator Staff member January 14, 2016 #19 Also can happen if you're liking lots of posts in a short period of time... Upvote 0