Love the oul fella in the trilby right hand side, ciggy in mouth looking the opposite way to all hands !....amazing picture, just won the league and not one smile. I think that was the culture then, not to smile on photographs, how times have changed.
I went into school on the Monday after the game. Ist day back after Christmas holidays, had P.E. and who walks in as our new P.E. teacher? Only the fella who broke his leg, John Davison !! Was a rumour going round that one of the 6th formers who was a massive Blue gave him a smack before the week was out.Thank goodness it went in - he had no chance with it - we looked ok untill Connelley,s leg brake disgusting tackle I was yards away from it in the paddock the noise was horrible I knew he had done him good style two breaks in the same leg John was never the same after that dirty tackle........lost two yards of pace, shame as he was just settling in......
....I recall going to Crystal Palace as a young lad in the 60’s. They weren’t in the top flight but I had relatives who lived near the ground in Thornton Heath. I think Bill Glazier was in goal for Palace that day. I also have a memory that Palaces nickname was the Glaziers, which I always thought a coincidence.
I’m sure @Alan Whittle will correct me if I’m wrong.