I can remember Bobby when I was a kid, he only had Alec Parker to play with at his level, the rest of our team were not really upto it, yes! within a
couple of years he got proper help, but was then ' emptied out'. The few years that Bobby was with us, he kept us in the first division. His positional sense was incredible, his ball-winning was superb....especially stealing the ball on our penalty box and slipping the ball back to goalies Albert & Jimmy. He was a
tough ' little nut' and 'shirked nothing'. He used to take our penalties before Royston, he was the first player that I can remember that could 'slice' the ball,
He used to aim with his foot to the top left-hand corner of the net, but then slice it with his little toe side of his foot and the ball used to curl in to the right
bottom corner. Magic Bobby!