My first ever away game aged 6 years old at the old Burden park Bolton we won 2-0 Bingham , and Gabriel the scorers sat on a crash barrier with my late father and my older brother plus My dads mates we went in a yransit van sat on beer crates.... -
It was compiled from old scrap books I still kept following some downsizing moves. Sadly I lost a large number of albums covering the less successful years because I simply did not have room to keep them. Many of the reports were drawn from the Daily Post and Echo and then amended slightly to coincide with my memory of the games. I still have others like this which can never be officially published because of copywrite. Fortunately I did retain many of my photographs of the goals scored in big games and I have spent recent years trawling sites like this and visiting the Liverpool Library to try to build back the collection.@ManxBrian did you write all this at the time?
Enjoyed reading it
Reading the West Ham match report I noticed the sub that came on was Frank Darcy. I've never heard of him, any info ?
Reading the West Ham match report I noticed the sub that came on was Frank Darcy. I've never heard of him, any info ?