What will Everton supporters find when they arrive A town with a population of around 50,000 and the focal point for the thickly-populated coal mining areas in the West Fife basin. Dunfermline has always been a cultural centre and boasts the birthplace of Andrew Carnegie, the American multi-millionaire, who left £2,000,000 on trust to the town. That means cash of £50,000 to be spent each year “to bring sweetness and light into the lives of the toiling masses “Normally quiet, the townsfolk are ready to discard their staid outlook to give moral and vocal support to their team. The ground is situated at the east entrance to the town. The new grandstand, still under construction, gives seating for 3,500 and with other enclosures there is covered accommodation for upwards of 15,000. Ground capacity is set at 35,000 but there is a police limit of 30,500 for to-night all ticket game
Liverpool Echo - Wednesday 31 October 1962
By Leslie Edwards
Fourteen Everton players- the men who played against Ipswich, plus reserves Dunlop, Heslop and Wignall- caplaned at Speke this morning for Edinburgh, their headquarters for the match tonight against Dunfermline. The team will be announced only shortly before kick-off time. Thomson the full-back who pulled a thigh muscle in the first leg of the tie a week ago, is improving but it was thought inadvisable to gamble on his fitness.
We lost 2-0 Everton that........