Old Everton Pictures

7 ex toffes circa 1967. How many can you identify them ? @bluelord49 ? Alex Parker stands out ......
Everton veterans took on their Liverpool FC counterparts at Holly Park in 1950. The match featured the managers of Everton, Manchester United & Manchester City (Cliff Britton, Matt Busby & Jock Thomson). And yes, Dixie Dean scored a goal -


No Joey,the legend of Terry was born in April 1968 against arsenal at Goodison, Terry replacing an injured Ramon Wilson (I suppose he wasn't a bad left back ;) lol )in a 2-0 victory (obviously we kept a clean sheet with our world class left back marshalling our defence;)lol) that looks like sheff utd maybe August 1971 at home?!!
If that's the game Dario we lost 1-0 - his silky skills must have been left in the dressing room ;) :(
