Old Everton Pictures

7 shillings, 4 and a half pence.
One and a half pence short of the cost of my ticket.
1966 pen ref? the GV ripped down by Springett -

View attachment 115777
Nailed on pen.
There was a picture on a paper at the time that showed Springetts arm around Young's ankle, just after he went around him.
Temple later said, after seeing that not given there was no doubt in his mind about whether to shoot or take it around the keeper - shoot all day long, he was going nowhere near him
St Rupert tower -


My older brother when the Great Brian Labone burst into our team as a youngster, and marked the great Tom finney out of the game as he played no 9 on occasion - told my late father what a footballer of which he was - my late father stated no way will he ever be as good as the great TG Jones - and described to him and I as I grew up what a revolutionary centre back - he really was, and how badly our football club treated him - the book details that in full he could have become a great manager for us - the book states how his tall slim build his suntanned skin - his mop of long black curly hair made him stand out - then his football totally light years ahead of anything a centre back in that era could do -Franz Anton Beckenbauer is what the book claims was the nearest to TG Jones - that says it all!
When John Hurst partnered Labby - my late father loved him as a player I asked why as he was great - just glimpses of TG Jones - he smiled!
Brain Labone was classy, but that era of centre halves got rid - evidently TG Jones as a young player ignored the shouts from the bench hoof it, and either dribbled it out or sent a wondrous pass out to the winger!
as the great Dixie Dean stated - the best all round footballer he had ever seen, and better than the Master John Charles as he had a crouched style of play, and not the upright elegance of TG Jones -
TG was asked to play no 9 on occasion , and did not disappoint scoring a goal or two!
A great read for any blue supporter;)
When I read it I could only think of my late fathers words on TG, and wished how he could have read such a tribute to his favourite player!

