January 30, 1892
Considerable surprise was expressed by the members of the
Everton Football Club upon proof being obtained that a company had actually been formed with the title of the “
Everton Football club and Athletic Grounds Company, Limited.” Which was registered in
Somerset House, on Tuesday last, and to the articles of association, of which the signatures appended are
Albert Edward Berry,
William Houlding,
Alex Nisbet,
John James Ramsay,
John Dermott,
William Francis Evans, and
John McKenna.
The capital is to be
£15,000 in £1 shares, and the company are to be continue using
Mr. John Houlding’s ground for football, &c, as its name indicates. Looking at the who proceeding, it was remarked that while the general meeting of the club’s was being held on Monday night, the papers for registering the new company were already in
London, seeing that they were registered the next day -