Mick Lyons I reckon Joey?
It was a Chelsea Bun........lolVaradi & coke scores in the FA Cup tie v the other lot in a 2-1 win = he ran to the wrong fans after this goal & got a meat & potato pie chucked in his face - lol -
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Wonder who tapped him?The Latch haggling for a pay rise - I just read he put transfer request in 4 times with us - for @Alanbileysfeathercut -
View attachment 192741
He was looking for a move abroad as Keegan to Germany had just moved on vast wages plus less income tax -Wonder who tapped him?
Some photo finding research right there Joey. Before the great man put the goalies jumper on.Westy at school a photo - he hid his feet behind the trophy as he could not afford the teams socks -lower pho chosen for England -Terry Venables ahead of him - for @TangerineToffee -
View attachment 192719
Joey caught offside once again lolView attachment 192764
Big Joe v Shilton at Leicester