Dave Hickson among friends - and Dixie dean in photo - Dixie gave Dave tips when he was a youngster when he made pour first team - they were great friends - the bottom photo shows how popular he was with Blues fans My late father really rated him as a number 9 for us -
GERRY HUMPHREYS 1969-70 EVERTON - dared to ask the Catt for a rise - the best interview I have read in a book he fetched out - which is recommended for any Xmas gift - I still have a chuckle over what happened when he asked for a rise & the ruthless Catts response - acceptable then, may - he had a few very good games for us did Gerry following in tradition of his family -
Promoted - my late father told me DH & John Willie parker were two goal merchants that year -
Here the celebrations of getting back into the big time began - plus the other lot went down to replace us -how sweet - for @Bluerover & co -