I,ve been ill lately, but have't seen anything about Joe, I'm a bit concerned about him, I can only ask Dario for any news or any of Joes mateJust trying to find Old classic Everton pictures from recent decades.
Post any pics you have of your own!
Hi hope you are getting better I have had a rough year health wise but have managed to just about keep,posting - wondered where you had got to - best wishes plus pm me as the phos you requested are blanked outI,ve been ill lately, but have't seen anything about Joe, I'm a bit concerned about him, I can only ask Dario for any news or any of Joes mate
Here's hoping for good news.
Hope you are well, a great supporter & Evertonian on this thread - keep postingMany thanks Joe 66. Just starting my 10th year with G-O-T and still aren't using 2 fingers yet. COYB!