Tony Morley scored that goal within the first 5 minutes they played us the park and won 3-1, cracking teamApplauding genuinely good play from the opposition was not all that unusual in those days at GP. I can readily recall a goal by Aston Villa the year they won the title. Scored by a blonde striker of theirs, Gary Shaw I think. The applause was even noted on the MOTD commentary.
The legacy of those days is I suppose still there in the way we still applaud the visiting keeper at the start of each half.
Wee Joe...legend.
Wee Joe...legend.
John Collins!
....disappointing was the Henry Newton signing. Can’t work out who the opposition player is.
Tony Morley scored that goal within the first 5 minutes they played us the park and won 3-1, cracking team
John Collins!
What an absolute bag of cack. Thought he could breeze in here and rule the roost.
Totally agree.He was more interested in hair gel !
Totally agree.
Was more suited to a catwalk. Did he ever break sweat for us?
I suppose when he missed the penalty on his debut, we should have expected he would be turd.