I'm going to come out and say it folks, for the money that was spent, he has to down as the worst signing not just in Everton's history but in Premier League history. Have there been worse "footballers" signed by other clubs? Undoubtedly yes, but for anywhere close to the money we spent on this bloke? None that spring to my mind, please state if you've got any examples of a player being so painfully crap being so grossly overpaid for.
6 months after signing he can't even get a squad number and no club will seemingly take him. Embarrassing isn't strong enough of a word, we'll be reminded of this for years. It will be a signing I probably tell any kids I have about when they read about him on the internet and ask if he was really THAT bad.
Just for the record....
I'm not really black but the sentiment remains.
When you said the black man looking back in the mirror, I just assumed you meant your lover x
Now officially our worst ever player.
Didn't Redknapp sign a player while at West Ham, who was not a footballer?
He was somebody else cousin pulling a flanker.
Wouldn't have paid that dosh though.
Back even further, Juve thought they were signing Charlie George and signed George Charlie.
I made the name up, but along those lines.
How bad must he be for Koeman, just to not give him a number? I mean we're not exactly flush striker's at the moment. Shows how much richer we are to cut our losses so quickly.
Tbh I'm surprised we haven't given five players numbers especially with the four who left when they're contracts ended. He must be confident of getting players in, or the younger players. Can step up?
In all honesty mate a lot of us made the same judgement after seeing him for about 20 minutes. So unbelievably out of his depth it was scary, but only needed a preseason according. Thankfully the preseason was for our manager to laugh his tits off and launch him in the bin
Bloody hell mate he's a disaster.You accept that some transfers won't work out, but to be that far off the standard is absolutely incredible. In what other business would they make a multi-million pound deal with such little research behind it? It's amazing really.
Gutted he's leaving, funniest player in our history by a mile.
You accept that some transfers won't work out, but to be that far off the standard is absolutely incredible. In what other business would they make a multi-million pound deal with such little research behind it? It's amazing really.
Gutted he's leaving, funniest player in our history by a mile.
I remember an older gentleman commenting on Yakubu at the match saying (and I quote) "if he closed his mouth and eyes in a dark alley he'd disappear."
I didn't think that was okay either.