Hi there!
and when he will be ready? Was Arteta ready? I think to a much lesser extent than Big Dunc. Artera went through a s*** storm a couple of times and about half of a dozen times was on the very edge of being sacked. But now Arsenal is doing pretty well, although they have their own issues too.
I don't think we had seen much. However, these four games in the difficult interim period, considering all the circumstances we were in and the teams we played against, ended with quite good results, and we need those results.
My point is if we want to build something here in a long run, we find a proper man and give him some time. We need a man who will work hard, who won't give up, who has an authority, who is passionate for the club, and not just doing his job for the paycheck. Great things won't happen in the blink of an eye, but I do believe if we give Big Dunc 2-3 years he might lead us to something this club deserves. These hypothetical 2-3 years won't be a walk in the park, but we are dealing with I would say at least 10 years crisis (with some short periods of the fake renaissance) so it is only "blood, toil, tears, and sweat" for us to change the situation.