Kanchelskis getting behind this fella now
That's his lad isn't it?
Kanchelskis getting behind this fella now
That's his lad isn't it?
Kanchelskis getting behind this fella now
That's his lad isn't it?
Let @matty1878 know when it arrives, he needs some for his swim in the morning
thats his lad i think mate whose grown up as a massive blue.
he's correct on what he says about the Usmanov/Moshiri links to the club as well.
IF he was wanted i seriously doubt that Shakhtar would prove a problem to deal with the way Watford have been for example. Pretty sure they have a lot of ties with the Ukraine - pro Russian owner of the club as well through the mining companies they are both connected too
Williams new boots being delivered ?
Any of their players worth poaching ?Agreed - plus the fact that the Ukrainian winter break is due to kick in could be the perfect time for Paulo to leg it to L4
Any of their players worth poaching ?
I've never seen them play to be honest.
Any of their players worth poaching ?
I've never seen them play to be honest.
I'm not having a Brazilian called "Alan Patrick"
how aboutI'm not having a Brazilian called "Alan Patrick"