pardon my lateness, hello monts.
its waterfields pasties for me, and which bakery is it that has the unfunny prat from phoenix nights advertising for them?
Sayers used to do a corned beef hash Pasty. yum.
hehe thanks for the offer monts, but me mum and dad are keeping me topped off with brown sauce recently and I think they have harsh rules regarding food and stuff
they'll probably let some big hairy dog drool over it for a bit thinking its a bomb!
does chico still sleep with dogs by the way? (off topic!)
Still is along with their chicken tikka pastie
Pasties are only good from cornwall. True. BHAM!
and don't forget Baked bean and Sausage slices.....:blink:
Sayers have come up with some weird pasties....taste alright though.![]()
I can't eat pasties. True fact.
Great to see you back monty![]()
I'll wrap them in fish Rob and they'll never notice![]()
I love englishisms 'taste boss' that's great i'll use that in conversation. I also like 'fit bird' and 'boffin'.