Player ratings vs Liverpool

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Any idea who it was?

On the feed I get the co-commentator was Jim Beglin - good neutral choice there! Having said that, in the studio they had Reidy who was so pro-blues it was funny. Beglin was as balanced as you could expect - probably 70-30 in favour of the RS, but he had me screaming at the telly when one of our lads got scythed down and the twot Beglin said he had gone down too easily. Reidy didn't hold back about Suarez's maiming of Kev and Buzz, and also pointed out that Sterling should have gone too. Good lad Reidy.
Actually deathbyropeandglass, I'll make this even easier for you.

Did Neville only lose possession in the game three times?

Ta. :)

I've only just seen this so :

I never said he did only give the ball away 3 times. You said he gave it away constantly/consistently, then when evidence was provided to show that he didn't you backtracked to saying he did when he had to play an actual pass of note, that being actually offensive actual passes that could come to something rather than simple 5 yard passes.

That graph above is for his "forward" passes so i'm assuming it doesn't cover backwards passes. And in those forweard passes, which are ones likely to be classed as passes of note he gave it away 3 times in total, 1 time out of 4 whilst playing decent offensive passes likely to come to something.

So using my eyes and watching the game, and then using stats from the game, yes i know they're not perfect but they support my argument not yours so surely it means there's more chance of mine being the correct one : that Neville simply did not "give the ball away constantly/consistently" in the derby.

And you were talking rubbish. On that one issue, not arguing about anything else you said about Neville, just if you're gonna criticise him at least be right.
I've only just seen this so :

I never said he did only give the ball away 3 times. You said he gave it away constantly/consistently, then when evidence was provided to show that he didn't you backtracked to saying he did when he had to play an actual pass of note, that being actually offensive actual passes that could come to something rather than simple 5 yard passes.

That graph above is for his "forward" passes so i'm assuming it doesn't cover backwards passes. And in those forweard passes, which are ones likely to be classed as passes of note he gave it away 3 times in total, 1 time out of 4 whilst playing decent offensive passes likely to come to something.

So using my eyes and watching the game, and then using stats from the game, yes i know they're not perfect but they support my argument not yours so surely it means there's more chance of mine being the correct one : that Neville simply did not "give the ball away constantly/consistently" in the derby.

And you were talking rubbish. On that one issue, not arguing about anything else you said about Neville, just if you're gonna criticise him at least be right.

Sorry, I'm done with this issue with you. You're biased.


In fact, you're only replying to this now because I negged you back.

I'm not discussing anything on this forum with someone who has a pre-existing dislike over a separate issue, as you're judgement is clouded.

If anyone else wants to talk to me on this subject, by all means do so.

Death - It's best to put me on ignore as that's what I'm doing with you. Nothing good can come of talking to you.

Just for the bold bit:


No, the stats are simply incorrect or at best subjective. Nothing can be derived from them.

There's not going to be any of that Elong mate - I'm not going to engage. I learnt my lesson from watching Damon and Davek at war 24/7 - it's best to just let a situation like this die off.

People don't like other people - fair enough, that's life.
Haha really Tubey? Really?

Oh no hang on you have me on ignore so i guess you won't read this. I'll say this anyway just so everyone else can laugh at your incredibley girly reaction.

I'm not gonna ignore you, i quite like you. I (and plenty of others) think you were talking rubbish when you said "Neville gave the ball away constantly", and your attempts at justifying it were laughable really, but no harm done really.

And the neg rep was for you derailing the discussion about Pienaar to get in a dig at LCAB. Thats the LCAB i really couldn't give 2 ****s about but from your little bitchy revenge rep think i do, the same guy you've bitched about since he left here and said bad things about the site. I thought it was pathetic so negged you , no big deal really is it?

As for only replying to this cause i'm biased? That sounds like kopite conspiracy talk to me if ever i've heard it.

To be honest i might have been a bit aggressive with disagreeing with you, but i thought you'd be one of the few people on here who were man enough to take it. Maybe not. Or its some kind of joke thats going over my head. Good job i didn't post my thoughts on Pienaar being a mercenary earlier, you'd probably have a hit out on me by now.
Haha really Tubey? Really?

Oh no hang on you have me on ignore so i guess you won't read this. I'll say this anyway just so everyone else can laugh at your incredibley girly reaction.

I'm not gonna ignore you, i quite like you. I (and plenty of others) think you were talking rubbish when you said "Neville gave the ball away constantly", and your attempts at justifying it were laughable really, but no harm done really.

And the neg rep was for you derailing the discussion about Pienaar to get in a dig at LCAB. Thats the LCAB i really couldn't give 2 ****s about but from your little bitchy revenge rep think i do, the same guy you've bitched about since he left here and said bad things about the site. I thought it was pathetic so negged you , no big deal really is it?

As for only replying to this cause i'm biased? That sounds like kopite conspiracy talk to me if ever i've heard it.

To be honest i might have been a bit aggressive with disagreeing with you, but i thought you'd be one of the few people on here who were man enough to take it. Maybe not. Or its some kind of joke thats going over my head. Good job i didn't post my thoughts on Pienaar being a mercenary earlier, you'd probably have a hit out on me by now.

Quoting this so Tubey can read it.


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