silent bob
What a guy.
I was going to say Monkey Tennis.Don't tell me don't tell me, I'm good at these.
I was going to say Monkey Tennis.Don't tell me don't tell me, I'm good at these.
I was going to say Monkey Tennis.
I was going to say Monkey Tennis.
Bloody hell Bob, that's overt racism !
This won't end well.
First of all.
Im not your mate, stop replying to me.
Second of all, maybe you dont understand humour, I dont report people, im not a grass
Dont bother replying, I wont be clicking show ignored posts.
I deal with people my way.
JESUS CHRISTI was going to say Monkey Tennis.
Billie Jean?I was going to say Monkey Tennis.
disgusting.I was going to say Monkey Tennis.
Tito Weedol or somethingIts ok ive reported it.
Reported for being racist.I was going to say Monkey Tennis.
Lately ive noticed some over eager moderation on the site.
Grand Old Team has always been a site that has had some degree of self moderation, kopites and WUMs were always dealt with by the established members, the people whos foundation this great forum was built on. Recently certain established members have been treated like dirt and banned, whilst WUMs and kopites are allowed to wander free and wind up people without any sanctions given.
When a forum loses sight of its core values, it loses everything that made it what it is, im not sure whats going on, but it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth personally.
I just think certain people should have a think on about what they are doing and whether their actions help the forum as a community or whether they are just on a mad crazy power trip.
Thanks for reading.
It's always been like that.
I don't care if you've been here five years, or five minutes - if you take the piss you're slapped down.
The problem we have currently, is a few 'lids' who, like the miserable arl git at the bar stool, a bar fly - think they own the place. They think because they've drank in there for years, they own it.
We've always been consistent - if you suspect someone is a WUM, report them and we will monitor it. Branding them a kopite isn't on, and if i spot it I'll just suspend the account - as I've always done.
You're not a tree lad, find another one. Or just stick to Whatsapp.
All you do is cry on here, why bother? Why login? Go elsewhere... Is it an addiction or something? Do I need to mercy ban you?