Not really.
Its a free forum, some contribute, some dont, thats sound. But he has basically sauntered into a nice pub and done nothing but criticise the landlord and the ale.
The ale is like nectar here.
Not really.
Its a free forum, some contribute, some dont, thats sound. But he has basically sauntered into a nice pub and done nothing but criticise the landlord and the ale.
I was, am, and will continue to be anti racism of course.nearly as bad as racism buddy. which i am sure you will now condemn.
August 2015 was a fantastic intake of recruits to this fine establishment you beast.
no. there is no banned multi. just me reviewing your performance on here you big dope. 3/10.Coming from a multi that logs on just to sneer at anyone deemed a target?
Why don't you log onto your main account? Or let me guess? Is that banned at the minute?![]()
Ash's first username was his real name which he later asked to be changed.I mean privacy on here.
If someone posts anonymously on here, then someone who's found their social media account for real life friends and acquaintances and puts content on here that's out of order. In my book at least.
Excuse me?
We appeared to be operating under a bit of a truce recently Darren however mockery of Sap and my colleagues will not be tolerated and shall result in the reopening of hostilities.
I recommend that you apologise.
I'm just saying, the clique tried to run me out of town and they failed. So if nothing else, I'm a shining beacon of their failure when they have been successful every other time, for example butters recently!
I sometimes wonder if we take this Internet business a bit too seriously. My Mrs and kids could have left this weekend and I wouldn't have noticed.
goat-lite nomark
I'm in team PoP too, just had one 2 days ago as it happens, only a frozen one though.
I wish to take this chance to distance myself from the OP in this thread.
It was a former self and ive taken stock of things and would like to move forward as a peaceful member of the forum.
Sorry for any issues my actions have brought upon the moderation team.
And can I again request this thread be locked and my OP be deleted so as to move on from this very regrettable incident.
If you're going by my school a crappy comprehensive with loads of adolescents opining, " come 'ed lad if you think you're f****** hard enough", every single day.
The utter state of you , don't you get bored typing the same old crap? Your attempt to be some kind of attack dog for the clique is frankly laughable . You're the Jordan Henderson of GOT carrying on like some hardman but in reality a little twerp who would get wellied all over the show !
You realise this is just a website yeah?
Who's Slain Nodder? Do you mean Slade's Noddy?look at how desperate the slain nodder is. it flatters me to. zzzz.
What on earth do you mean by balance Darren?Balance is the way forward, otherwise you'll find yourself falling.
ifya know yer history...
laughed out loud on the train...people probably thought i saw a rare pokemon.
how did you even eat that?
good lad, apology accepted.
didn't realise we went to the same school, lord.
a hard home truth from the don there.
it's a way of life for some, as it may be for you too seen as you've posted here over a hundred-thousand times.
that's like 60 per day, every day, for the last 7 years.
not judging, just saying x
Fairly certain his avatar was at one time a pic of himself. There is also his adding folk on twitter which also has pictures. Privacy on social media. Now there's a novel idea.Never seen him post one on here !
I was, am, and will continue to be anti racism of course.
Considering social media is private so only people who have access to any pictures, tracking me down and lifting said picture, saving it for future use is a little over the line for a forum.Posting a picture on social media is somehow seeking privacy?
Just glanced at the OP and orly's mention of myself, what this thread about? Overreactive moderation? Oxymoron there haha. What is it you are saying OP? I remember a few months back you posted a message saying you were in your words "going through my wheelie bin" or in other words, checking out my ip address and whatever else it was you were checking to see if I was a previous member or a WUM etc and it turned out to be The Esk who told you to back off. What is your point here? From reading your posts I would say you are friendly with the owner and have been a member here for quite some time and from my own slight observation, you like to try and sniff out previous members or troublecausers and try to have them removed. If I am wrong I apologise but I am not sure what your post is about. Do you want to be mod? Is that what you are angling for?
Go ed Jordan lad!Good, you are clearly a good soul that condemns racist remarks, not unlike @silent bob's quite shouting outburst yesterday.
I think, for me, was what really saddened me about Great Dane-ger Donald defending it, when as you say, it was so palpably wrong. Very disappointing.