I attempted to put together garden furniture yesterday, two foot stools went together a treat. The chairs were a different story, I screwed the seat part to one side, then screwed on the other side, straightforward enough but then the other bits didn’t fit. Took it apart, sat and studied the bits and there is no way they fit together. I was tired and thought, put it all away and try again when fresh. Packed the stuff up and left it. After an hour or so I took another look at it, then it struck me, the bits in the box where for different bits of the furniture. I looked at the other boxes and sure enough each box didn’t contain a single piece of furniture, they were mixed up through 9 boxes, I wonder how many people have been fooled by expecting each bit of furniture to be in each box.
I will put it all together tomorrow as it is to be dry, good tip is to cut the top off the Allen key so that you can put it in a drill and use it, much quicker than screwing it up by hand.