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Great performance from Monza led by Raffaele Palladino, entertaining and proactive in the friendly match against Everton: ended 2-2 after 90 minutes, with all goals scored in the second half.

The first half finishes goalless, with Monza dominating possession and showing solid defense, limiting Everton's opportunities.

Notable moments include Maric's deep attack at the 28th minute, Colpani's shot hitting the post. Caprari's left-footed attempt well saved by Everton's goalkeeper Virginia at the 33rd minute, and Carlos Augusto's close attempt at scoring at the 37th minute. Monza also had a counterattack, but Ciurria's shot went just wide.

Monza took the lead at the 7th minute of the second half with Colpani's free-kick. A minute later, Pessina had a chance from outside the box, but Virginia made a good save. At the 12th minute, Ciurria's low cross from the right was well defended by the goalkeeper. Caldirola made an excellent sliding recovery on a misplaced ball at the 19th minute. Di Gregorio saved a dangerous attempt by Maupay at the 23rd minute. However, Dobbin scored for Everton at the 25th minute with an impressive individual action. He had another attempt a few minutes later, but it went wide. Maupay found the net for Everton at the 31st minute, making it 2-1 after a lost ball. However, Monza quickly equalized as Machin's side free-kick was converted by Mota with a great header.

The match ended in a 2-2 draw.

Everton FC lineup: Virginia; Higgins (substituted in the 30th minute by Welch), Godfrey, Branthwaite, Mykolenko; Garner, Onana; Onyango, Dobbin, Danjuma (substituted in the 32nd minute of the second half by Kouyate); Calvert Lewin (substituted in the 1st minute of the second half by Maupay). Substitutes: Crellin, Astley, Hunt, Okoronkwo. Manager: Sean Dyche.

The first half ended goalless, with Monza keeping the ball in the game: the possession and defensive phases were good, very little was conceded to the opponent.

Worth mentioning in the 28th minute is the deep attack by Maric, shot to return by Colpani, post. In the 33rd minute, Caprari made a change of play on Ciurria, a shot to return with his left foot, but the Everton Virginia goalkeeper opposed it. In the 37th minute, a lateral ball from the left, a low cross from Carlos Augusto who just can't put it inside. Shortly after Monza counter-attack, Caprari for Ciurria, shot from outside just wide. In the 40th minute, the Carlos-Caprari exchange, a low cross from the Brazilian, Maric shoots centrally. Some thrills in the final but Di Gregorio keeps the clean sheet.

Monza took the lead in the 7th minute of the second half, with Colpani on a free kick, Virginia could do nothing. A minute later another opportunity for the red and white with a shot from outside Pessina but the goalkeeper stretches out well and blocks. In the 12th minute good development on the right, low cross from Ciurria, careful goalkeeper. In the 19th minute, Caldirola made a great slide recovery on a turnover under construction. In the 23rd minute Maupay is dangerous but Di Gregorio opposes. In the 25th minute the red and white goalkeeper unfortunately couldn't do anything about Dobbin who scored, one-two, excellent individual action. A few minutes later Dobbin again, but this time narrowly out. In the 31st minute St Maupay found the 2-1 goal face to face with Di Gregorio, after a turnover. But two minutes later, Monza's draw arrives: Machin's lateral free-kick, Mota steals the time and scores with a great header.


SCORERS: 7' st Colpani, 25' st Dobbin, 31' st Maupay, 33' st Mota

EVERTON FC: Virginia; Higgins (30' pt Welch), Godfrey, Branthwaite, Mykolenko; Garner, Onana; Onyango, Dobbin, Danjuma (32' St Kouyate); Calvert Lewin (1st Maupay). Subs: Crellin, Astley, Hunt, Okoronkwo. Coach: Sean Dyche

Blessed be St. Maupay

So I make that our 5th pre-season game, the 6th being Sporting coming up.

When was the last time that the senior team got this many game minutes in a pre-season?

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