Valuation: £108 million
Thatcher was the best thing that happened to this country.
Thatcher was the worst thing that happened to this country.
Thatcher was the best thing that happened to this country.
Well the world has been saved, at least judging by the Obama fans reaction to the chap. Time to live up to all the hype now. The proof is in the pudding as they say.
Thatcher was incredible, wasn't she? And I mean incredibly callous and indifferent to those at the bottom of the economic ladder. My politics were actually formed during the Thatcher years and it has taken me a long, long time to forgive that woman for what she did to the north of the country. And unfortunately the legacy still lives on.
Thatcher was the best thing that happened to this country. .
Thatcher was the worst thing that happened to this country.
Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.....![]()
Ask yourselves this. If Britain still tried to trade as a major manufacturing power where would we be when China and other Asian countries can produce things a darn site cheaper than we can? Face it, to survive in a global economy we had to move from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. Some people undoubtably didn't like the medicine but it was the right medicine to take.
We also had to move from an economy where the state propped up failing industries to one that left them to their own devices. It's interesting to note how people are pretty pissed off now that the taxpayer is propping up the finance sector, yet back in the 80's the no lame duck policy met with such anger. It's probably hard to admit that Thatcherite economics is now part of the nations consciousness. Just a pity Gordon Brown didn't have the courage to let failing banks go to the wall too.
Just a pity Gordon Brown didn't have the courage to let failing banks go to the wall too.
How much more damaging would the complete collapse of the banking system have been ?
Also, why do they do this electoral college thing? How is it democratic if the one candidate wins the percentage of peoples votes, but doesnt get enough electoral points? Its like setting a value on peoples votes depending on which state they're from.
I'm not trying to blast American policies, but maybe some American forum posters could provide some input into these sort of things![]()
(off topic - sorry)
Are you serious?
We faced a complete meltdown of the banking system which had to be averted at any cost. Not because we have a fondness for bankers and their city friends, but for the undeniable truth that we need a fully functioning banking system to maintain the economy in any shape.
Even with the support package in place, our banking system is not fully functioning with damaging effects in the mortgage market and for businesses large and small.
How much more damaging would the complete collapse of the banking system have been ?
Depends how you look at it doesn't it? I'm sure the actions taken by Gordon Brown will go some way to providing short-term relief, but have they provided a deterrant for banks not to do this again?
I would rather there were short-term failures if it meant that the finance sector took a bloody long look at itself and ensured this sort of thing didn't happen again.
People have to appreciate that there are consequences to ones actions, and that applies to the public as well as bankers.