Made me laff that!!!...Surprised they didn’t try and push it over as it’s in their genes
Tower which features on Everton club crest vandalised
Prince Rupert's Tower which features on Everton's club crest has been
I don’t understand what their lives are actually like beyond football. I imagine they’re deeply tortured individuals.
Paid New Balance advertbet you’ll see them lot saying “oh, well you defaced our beautiful klopp mural!” as if they’re similar at all
It just shows how far we are embedded in their heads. They’ve just won the C/L and the first thing they think of is us.Vermin. Won't get any coverage though from the Red Echo and they'll be no appeal to find out who's responsible. If was the other way around they'd be city wide campaigns to bring the sad bastards who did it to justice.
When we win a trophy (and we will everyone with any real sense knows it) I know full well that lot will be the furthest thing from my mind.
They'd just have to take a sock off and count how many toes they can see.To be fair, that have had to learn to count that far specially...