Listen Danny et el I am really sorry this has happened- I lost my rag and for that I have apologised- I have apologised for using that language to Teppic because it was out of order. Im being honest in telling you I dont like you what do you want me to do lie?
Ghost this is what you buzz off of, make no mistake I have given you a bit of bashing about bullying and picking on people you may think of as weak. Teppic is a grown man I know this and because of this I know he can fight his own corner. The fact that you are PM'ong each other about this is brilliant, hunt in packs thats what they say isnt it?!
Danny if you think it would be best for me to chill away from here for a bit thats fine but you have to tell me that, not anyone else.
Oh and Ghost what have I got to apologise to you about?! Having a go at someone else?
Mate I just think you have been unfair to have a go at me for sticking up for Teppic. I think fyi we have sent 2 pm's all day.
Maybe there is no apology needed, but perhaps recognition that you have been slightly hypocritical for having a go at me during situations that had nothing to do with you, and not accepting me doing the same back.
I haven't insulted you today, and I don't think you have insulted me. I am not hunting with packs, I'm not targeting you for abuse. I just want it to be known that you need to expect people to pull you up on stuff, just as you did to others, ie me.
The fact that it was in private has nothing to do with it.
Let me ask you this question, if I said some bad things to Monty now, would you step in and defend him? You would and that would be fair enough as you are his friend. So you have to understand it works both ways mate. No offence is intended.
I also have not requested you be banned, I have no problem with the majority of your posts. And I don't pick on people, I don't bully people. That kind of accusation is a bit strong. I may be overly emotional on certain points but that does not make me a bully. But Teppic may be 10ft and built like a brick [Poor language removed] house. But that doesn't mean I think you were wrong for saying what you did.
You have apologised and that's cool. I'm sorry for all the [Poor language removed] I have said in the past, sorry that people think I bullied them, that was never my intention. If they want to make themsleves known I will personally apologise.